Download Ufs patch 7047034

This article provides answers to many questions regarding patching a system running the Solaris Operating System. The Solaris Operating System OS software is delivered and installed with SVR4 packages. Packages contain one or more installable files and package-specific configuration information. The package-specific information defines the attributes of those objects. This information also describes how and where the packages should be installed. The package usually also contains preinstallation and postinstallation scripts to help ufs patch 7047034 that the files are ufs patch 7047034 correctly. A patch adds, updates, or deletes one or more of those files on your system by updating the installed packages. The patch itself is physically composed of the following: Sparse packages that are a minimalist version of a regular package. A sparse package delivers only the files being updated. Class action scripts that define a set of actions to be executed during the installation or removal of a package or patch. Scripts that undo the patch when the patchrm command is used. These scripts are copied onto the system's patch undo area. Prepatch, postpatch, and prebackout scripts, depending on the patch being installed. For more information, see Overview of Patch Types and Dependencies. See also, Solaris System Administration: Basic Administration. Each Marketing release has one set of patches. For example, the Solaris 8 Marketing release has a set of Solaris 8 patches, a Solaris 10 release has a set of Solaris 10 patches, ufs patch 7047034 so on. The set of patches for each release includes all the releases within a Marketing release. The set of patches is applicable to all of these Solaris ufs patch 7047034 releases. Each of these releases has all the patches preapplied that were available when that release was built. These preapplied patches cannot be removed. To display a list of patches currently applied, you can continue to use the patchadd command with the -p option or the showrev command with the -p option. You cannot patch across Solaris Marketing release boundaries.

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